A well-done floral tattoo will have the details and colors that make it truly a beautiful tattoo. Nearly any well-rendered flower will translate to an eye-catching tattoo, and your tattoo artist can add an un-focussed sky or foliage background to set it off perfectly. Some especially lovely flowers such as apple blossoms, lotus blooms, daisies and roses can make colorful arm or shoulder tattoos but you should choose a flower that has aesthetic qualities, bright colors and personal meaning on some level for you so that it will be a treasured addition to your tattoo collection.
You may also want to select a flower by the symbolic meaning it is associated with. For example, a cherry blossom symbolizes spiritual beauty while a water lily means purity of heart.
Fish tattoos can be very beautiful when rendered colorfully and in a dynamic pose. Often inked in a semi-curved shape or arched pose, a fish tattoo can accent the muscles of the arm, the curve of the waist or the narrow post of a leg.
Some fish have specific meanings in different cultures and can be selected as a tattoo for that reason as well.
For example, a salmon can mean prosperity for Haida people while a fish symbol represents marriage in the Hindu culture.
A Koi tattoo is a popular choice both for the beauty of the fish and the traditional Asian style in which it is rendered. A Koi also represents courage and overcoming difficulty.
Choose a larger area for your fish tattoo so that the artist can add some background elements of splashing water or plant life to accent your selection.
Bird feathers or angel wing tattoos can be done in either black and gray or full-color, and the artistic technique behind the feather can make or break the tattoo. Highly detail-oriented artists will construct the feather of the wing so that each barb and vane is individually defined and adds to the realistic look of the piece. Angel wings are a popular choice for a back tattoo, but a single angel wing can be stunning on an arm or shoulder as well.
Feather tattoos fit nicely on elongated parts of the body such as along your torso or calf muscle and can be applied to follow your body contours.
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