2 Do not block vents. Do not use your laptop to something blocking the vents, with particular attention not to a soft bed or mat on the use of laptop, because there are many laptops out of the bottom outlet, if used on the cushion will plug these areas, leading to new computer hardware a rapid temperature rise books .
3 can be due to the booster books. We can artificially elevate the laptop, the laptop at the bottom to bring better air flow and faster heat away new computer hardware. If prolonged use of laptop, laptop, under the mat in copper, steel and some help heat the material. Of course, when using these things we must pay attention to the books placed on a smooth, or will hurt computer hw ofthe hard drive.
4 ventilation. In the summer, be sure to use new computer hardware the laptop to keep the room ventilation, air circulation to ensure a good laptop cooling.
5 Optional cooling base. Now there are many laptops on the market dedicated cooling base, you can choose according to their needs computer hw.