Ankle tattoo ideas can range from Chinese symbols, to ballerinas, fruit, rainbows, fairies, dragons, butterflies or flowers. Some women may opt for a tribal tattoo that is an ankle bracelet effect as a way to get more attention. Often ankle tattoo ideas depend on the age of the wearer, as younger tattoo wearers tend to be less discreet with their ankle tattoo ideas.
That’s not to say that older women may not enjoy a more pronounced tattoo using some of the same ankle tattoo ideas that younger women enjoy, it is just that there is a tendency for the skin to start wrinkling and ink can dissipate causing the tattoo to look misshapen and unattractive. Because of this, often smaller ankle tattoo ideas are used with fine lines and smaller proportions.
If you are looking for sexy ankle tattoo ideas, some of the more popular ideas are dolphins, butterflies and tropical themed or Celtic tattoos. While it does depend on your personal preference, try to find something that adds a hint of innocence or mystery, if you are looking for ankle tattoo ideas that hint at sexually alluring.
If tastefully done, ankle tattoo ideas can become like a piece of jewelry that is worn as a fashion accessory to draw attention to your legs. For this reason, you want to be sure it is something that will be timeless and compliment your wardrobe.
When looking at ankle tattoo ideas, another thing to consider is the exact size of the area you are going to be tattooing. Sometimes one design will look much better than another, so it might help to get a temporary tattoo to be sure that the ankle tattoo ideas you have chosen are something you want to live with for life.
The other thing to consider is the pain factor, because ankle tattoos that are going to be close to the bone may be more painful than ones on other areas of skin that are thicker. They tend to be more painful the less skin there is between the tattoo and underlying bone. This is the other reason that many ankle tattoos are smaller in size.
Whatever ankle tattoo ideas you come up with, finding a tasteful design is crucial, so be sure to spend some time looking at several options before deciding. Color and size have to be considered besides the image, symbol or graphics, so ankle tattoos are not something to be taken lightly.
While ankle tattoos can be anything you can think of, there are thousands of ideas available on the Internet. Visit the tattoo experts for advice on picking the best tattoo for your ankle.
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