The dead laptop can be caused by faulty laptop AC adapter, dead battery, malfunctioned RAM module, buildup static charge and aging, therefore, aiming to different causes, specific solutions are offered.
First of all, whether the dead laptop caused by faulty AC adapter or not, the primary is to check your laptop AC adapter. You can check the Adapter using a Multimeter. Check if the output voltage is as mentioned on the adapter. Take hp pavilion dv8000 adapter
for instance, whose output voltage is DC19V, then necessarily check the Amperage of the hp pavilion dv6500 adapter with the Multimeter, which should be 7.1A. Sometimes low amperage adapters are mistakenly used with laptops. This causes the laptop to power up half the times but since the Amp is below required, intermittent “dead” laptop symptom arises.
Secondly, the dead laptop can be triggered by drained battery. Only time this will cause a laptop not to turn on is in combination with a faulty charger. If the adapter is fine, a dead battery should not hinder the laptops power-up.
Thirdly, malfunctioned RAM module caused by unseated properly can result in the same above situation to your laptop. Take out the RAM module and plug in the power adapter. Press the power button to see if any lights come on. If yes, there is a problem with the RAM, most probably a short circuit in the module itself. Sometimes improper RAM positioning in the slot might cause the laptop not to turn on. Most laptop Memory modules are situated inside a compartment on the bottom of the laptop.
The last but one probable reason is Static charge buildup, which is the most common problem a laptop user coming across. This happens when there is a build up of static charge in the motherboard of the laptop. Here are the detail steps to get rid of this plight. Disconnect the laptop and take the battery out from the adapter first, and then press the power button to last for at least 1 minute. Then, plug in the ac power. Do not put the battery at this point. At last, press the power button. Done!
The last one is caused by aging issue, in this situation, you should take repairing center into account.
All in all, though the above expert solution can do you a big favor in repair laptop, most of the other possible faults still need an expert technician to conduct a thorough check of the laptop hardware.