1. Hand- made design-
These are common design made from hands with the help of nail polish. A small piece of toothpick is used to make a design. These designs can be anything depends on person抯 choice.
2. Texture design-
This can be done at home without going to a saloon. You just need a great imagination. This is done by for example apply a thick layer of nail polish and after that just mix few drops of cream or any other colour of nail polish. The texture which will be created will be attractive and fabulous.
3. Air brush design-
This is bit costly because you will have to purchase a spray machine but if you get it done from saloon it will be cheap for you. This machine sprays a design on your nail of your own choice.
4. Decals-
These are tiny stickers which are available in the market. These can be stick on nail polish or without it depends completely on your choice.
5. Piercing-
Now a days piercing is fashion. People even pierce their nails. If you want to get your nails pierced visit a saloon technician will do it for you. Just be careful while you running you hand in your hair.
Now you can choose a Nail design according to:
1. Season-
You can choose design accordingly like if it is spring think fresh and use vibrant colours.
2. Occasion-
Choose like if it Valentines Day then you can use red colour on your nails.
3. Personality-
Make sure that colour is suiting you and design too. Choose the design accordingly.
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